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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Face mask recipes before bed. Leave the mask overnight

Face mask recipes before bed. Leave the mask overnight and wake up with 5 beautiful skin. Want to wake up with beautiful skin? Come revitalize your skin overnight with 5 face mask recipes before bed as follows! It can be said that it is a mask made from

What causes lactose intolerance?

What causes lactose intolerance? Our body has the enzyme lactase produced in the small intestine. It breaks down lactose. Which is found in many dairy products, into smaller sizes and is absorbed to use as energy in the body. But the body of a person with lactose intolerance cannot completely

“Exercise” when you’re sick. Can you do it?

“Exercise” when you’re sick. Can you do it? Regular exercise Helps keep weight within normal limits Stimulates the functioning of the immune system It also reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. But in some situations, such as when sick, most people are not

Causes of “cramps” and correct ways to relieve symptoms

Causes of “cramps” and correct ways to relieve symptoms Who has ever had cramps? What is the reason? And there is a way to get rid of quickly. How can I do it? We have an answer from Dr. Phongphat Worasayan, a doctor in the internal medicine department. Chulalongkorn Hospital,

How to use “pain relievers” and “muscle relaxants” correctly?

How to use “pain relievers” and “muscle relaxants” correctly? Nowadays, painkillers and muscle relaxants are frequently taken. Whether it’s illness, headache, toothache, or wound pain, you must take painkillers pain relievers. By that painkiller It has become a common household medicine. Without a house, it would be impossible. Must always

Is “cold press” water really beneficial?

Is “cold press” water really beneficial? New health trends keep coming. Until we started to lose track of it. But it is known as a good and useful thing. We wanted to try some to make ourselves feel like we were taking care of our health to the utmost. As for