What is dry scalp?
Dry scalp can occur when the skin on your head loses too much water or moisture. The condition can cause itching and flaking. The skin on your scalp gets irritated and flakes off. There are various reasons. Some hair care products can dry out and irritate your. Weather and age can also affect your scalp. But more serious skin conditions can also cause.
Possible Causes
What causes?
If you’re wondering why your you’ll need to consider several reasons. The products you use on your hair could be causing contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis is a reaction to something that causes itchiness and irritation. Many hair care products out your hair by stripping it of its natural oils, which can leave your scalp irritated.
The weather could also be causing ทางเข้า ufabet https://ufabet999.app your condition. Environments with low humidity and areas located in cold climates can dry out the skin on your scalp. In addition, as you get older, your skin starts to dry out. However, the condition can occur for more serious reasons. These conditions may include:
Psoriasis is a long-term (chronic) skin condition that causes your skin cells to grow too quickly. This rapid growth makes your skin cells pile up on the surface of your skin in patches. These patches are called plaques. Psoriasis has many genetic components, but other factors may trigger it as well. These factors include infections, injuries and medications. It also includes lifestyle factors such as drinking alcohol or smoking.